<aside> 🔥 4th May 1961 → 10th December 1961, interracial group of activists decided to challenge Jim Crowe segregation laws → test enforceability of Boynton v Virginia
Modelled rides off the 1946 "journey of reconciliation which aimed to test enforcement of outlawed interstate travel segregation in Morgan
→ 7 blacks and 6 White members of CORE left Washington DC on 2 public buses bound for the deep south.
Overview of Key Events
The extreme violence compounded by the indifference of local police prompted a national outcry for the riders which put pressure on JFK to intervene. However, Kennedy
The general public were in attendance on the bus's that got firebomb, illustrating the disregard of the state for even the innocent lives that got harmed and increasing the media coverage as
Protests spread to train stations, airports and many other public facilities across the south.
→ it strengthened the motives of the opposition alike the KKK, who had direct ties with individuals alike bull conner.
Political Harm of the Freedom Rides,
Was manipulated by George Wallace!!!!
"segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"
Shows that the Kennedy Administration will do little if there is only a mildly violence response or they are being arrested.